
Revista Genios 806 - Buscando en el fondo del mar

Genios Magazine 806 - Looking at the bottom of the sea

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4 comentarios:

Alexandra MacVean dijo...

How cool is this little book?! I SO love it and all of the childlike wonder found within it. :)

Alexiev dijo...

Thank you very much Alexandra, is a magazine off periodically. It's a game of finding things.

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

Proyectos - Illustrations
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@alexievg en twitter

Mirame en Art Attack
Mirame en Art Attack de nuevo

electricwave dijo...

this is a travel underseas.... really cool!

Alexiev dijo...

Thank you very much electric wave.

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

Proyectos - Illustrations
Alexiev Store - venta de originales
@alexievg en twitter

Mirame en Art Attack
Mirame en Art Attack de nuevo