
Mas cuadros perdidos (óleos)

But lost pictures (oils)

Estos cuadros pertenecen a una serie que expuse en un bar de Martinez que se llamaba ¨La Arboleda¨ El bar cerro y nunca más los vi. Espero que no esten en la basura.

Otros cuadros de la serie que se perdieron en la misma situación:

Cuadro perdido 01
Cuadro perdido 02
Cuadro perdido 03
Y otros tantos de los que ni me quedo una foto...

12 comentarios:

  1. oh wow!!! wonderful work!!! love the colours in this!!!

  2. Thank you very much Diana, are old and lost in a sample. They're like 10 and never heard from them.

    Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

    Proyectos - Illustrations
    Alexiev Store - venta de originales
    @alexievg en twitter

    Mirame en Art Attack
    Mirame en Art Attack de nuevo

  3. Very emotional art. Thanks for stopping by

  4. Thank you very much to you Christine. Are old and lost in a sample. They're like 10 and never heard from them.

    Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

    Proyectos - Illustrations
    Alexiev Store - venta de originales
    @alexievg en twitter

    Mirame en Art Attack
    Mirame en Art Attack de nuevo

  5. Wow! Extremely powerful and provocative images. I certainly do hope someone has them. It would be a tragedy if they were lost forever!

  6. Yes, I would give it if went to the trash. If someone in your home and enjoys them but I stay calm.


    Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

    Proyectos - Illustrations
    Alexiev Store - venta de originales
    @alexievg en twitter

    Mirame en Art Attack
    Mirame en Art Attack de nuevo

  7. I like the colour and textures... sure someone is enjoying them very much... they are too awesome to be in trash somewhere... they will have been rescued for sure... especially love the bowl on the table...xx

  8. Hola Alexiev,
    ¿cómo estás? Te quería preguntar sobre la feria de Bologna... si es que no estás ahí. ¿Podríamos charlarlo por mail? Saludos...

  9. Tracey Fletcher King:

    I like to think like you. The fact that these pictures were just me these pictures. They are not the best but it is what it is.

    Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

    Proyectos - Illustrations
    Alexiev Store - venta de originales
    @alexievg en twitter

    Mirame en Art Attack
    Mirame en Art Attack de nuevo

  10. Really strong images, awesome colors! They look really three dimensional, quite exceptional!
